Llewellyn Parry
2021 Webfolio

I love to create work that is meaningful, stylish & fun. If you would like to know more or work with me please get in touch.

I am currently working as an Art director for Canva but occasionally take on freelance work and passion projects.

︎ Motion Showreel

Branding, Illustration

Jack Gauld a.k.a the Fly Fishing Kiwi always loved to share his unmatched local knowledge and deep passion for Fly Fishing with friends and fellow outdoorsmen visiting the Nelson region. He then realized that these excursions would translate perfectly into a business venture. This led him to transform what was once a hobby, into guided day-long expeditions for anglers in pursuit of screaming reels.
Taking from the name along with the origin behind the brand, the visual identity reflects the tranquil, solitary nature of fly fishing through the simplified illustrations of the fly fisherman, always shown slightly submerged within the water. The simple colour palette takes inspiration from the many deep green rivers and surrounding hilly landscapes of the Tasman region, the setting of which the expeditions take place. These elements, combined with custom typography give the identity a unique look and feel.